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Todos cometemos errores, yo normalmente cometo los mayores... pero solo me doy cuenta de ellos cuando lo unico que puedo hacer es lamentarme de ni siquiera poder pedir perdon a quien se hiere.

En Israel militares asesinan a 10 activistas y los ciudadanos exigen al Ministro de Defensa que renuncie. En Colombia militares asesinan a 17.000 civiles, cientos de personas inocentes; y 6 millones de ciudadanos le piden que sea el próximo presidente

Ghandi, a new kind of political fighter or a hero?

The first thing that comes to my mind when I heard about Mahatma Ghandi, is the image of a leader, just a simple person with too many ideals and many desires to fight for them but in a way that wasn’t very common for his time.
It was 1942, in the middle of the Second World War and the reactions for the conflicts were only applied with a declaration of war, in those same years, Ghandi appeared to fight for the rights of its people in India, complaining against England for its actions and imposed taxes.

Now, he didn’t use any military power just a pacific way, even in jail while his wife died, but always having in mind the recognition of India`s rights.

Nevertheless, it is very different here in Colombia… we have been in a state of war, or what other actors prefer to call a civil war, a conflict that has taken the life of many civilians and the only way that we find to response is with more violence.

Maybe we just don’t want a pacific resolution and some others are just searching for some revenge… or maybe just like a Colombian singer said, “it`s time to change”?

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2 Response to "Ghandi, a new kind of political fighter or a hero?"

  1. Gina says:
    26 de marzo de 2010, 17:21

    Damian, I agree with you, it´s time to change. I enjoyed reading your Blog, I found it quite interesting. Good Job.

  2. Diego Silva says:
    15 de mayo de 2010, 13:58

    I think it is also time to change, violence is not the answer always to our problems, as Gandhi did it, with peaceful confrontations, we are also capable of change people minds, in order to get benefits for everyone. Just killing innocent people is not going to solve any of our problems.

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