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Todos cometemos errores, yo normalmente cometo los mayores... pero solo me doy cuenta de ellos cuando lo unico que puedo hacer es lamentarme de ni siquiera poder pedir perdon a quien se hiere.

En Israel militares asesinan a 10 activistas y los ciudadanos exigen al Ministro de Defensa que renuncie. En Colombia militares asesinan a 17.000 civiles, cientos de personas inocentes; y 6 millones de ciudadanos le piden que sea el próximo presidente


The Berlin wall fell, but there are more walls dividing us like in Australia, where it was the “rabbit proof fence” and in Mexico there’s a block against the immigrants.

Let’s focus this time in Australia, after watched the movie we saw how they took away their children, searching to erase their roots, their culture, and even their name. Maybe they really had good intentions but didn’t realize the feelings and all the problems and reactions that could appear.

After many time the government only appears to say sorry, and I agree that is very important to recognize our mistakes, but want to rectify, amend, compensate and create better things to replace the bad ones is something crucial in those process, so the people would feel that there´s a commitment from the counterpart to create a better relation.

If we compare it with the situation of the “desmovilizados” in Colombia, people who quit from the Sub-state groups, and go to the society with only some words asking for pardon, its not enough for many people.

Should we use the concept of “it´s better prevent than cure”…

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1 Response to "WALLS"

  1. Lina María Gaviria G. says:
    18 de mayo de 2010, 16:24

    I agree with Damian. I also wrote about that topic in my blog, and I think it is better to prevent those things before they appear, because in most cases the disastrous consequences are impossible to avoid. The best solution for that kind of violence is to create laws that protect these minority groups otherwise they will always be present and will suffer. They deserve the same treatment and even more attention and care for the living conditions in which they find themselves. They are like us but with a small difference, no one respects their customs and they are ripped from their homes to survive in a world totally alien to them.

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