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Todos cometemos errores, yo normalmente cometo los mayores... pero solo me doy cuenta de ellos cuando lo unico que puedo hacer es lamentarme de ni siquiera poder pedir perdon a quien se hiere.

En Israel militares asesinan a 10 activistas y los ciudadanos exigen al Ministro de Defensa que renuncie. En Colombia militares asesinan a 17.000 civiles, cientos de personas inocentes; y 6 millones de ciudadanos le piden que sea el próximo presidente

Is Colombia affected by a dominant culture?

To answer those kind of questions we must look very close the whole country.

Each region has its own culture, in the center of the country with the capital, in the north with the coastal culture, even each city will show different customs, dialects, beliefs, physical traits and more. In this big country that has more or less 2.070.000 km (taking into account the maritime extension) all the Colombians live and move through all of it, but we see that today you still can appreciate the regional cultures, and it hasn’t being affected too much for the time.

Now with a global vision and analysis, there is a dominant culture that affects every region and every culture. With the globalization process that we face everyday, we start to see many changes in the people´s acts like the way they dress, talk, music, believe, and so on.

This also would be considered as the theories of the convergence or divergence. With the first one in some time we will be only one culture and no more, the global village every people listen the same things, acting the same way that everyone does, and local cultures will slowly vanish. Personally I prefer to mix those theories; recognize the power of the globalization process but am pretty sure that some local cultures, all those roots believes will remain in the time. It could sound pretty idealist but also with a big part of realist by facing the actual situations.

To see an example of the big changes in culture we only need to look Japan, the new generations are changing so much, and old citizens really doesn’t like it they don’t feel good with the changes, but in the Okinawa Islands there always be the Karate-do, in all the country we still can appreciate the structure of their buildings, the sumo fights (and lifestyle) and more stuff of the Japanese culture.

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    National Identity... a powerful tool

    In this time I invite you to watch this video and try to analyze what he is doing with his speech.

    This video shows to the president of Venezuela talking about two popular toys, that we could say represent somehow the North American culture; but it is just because he thinks it is representing the consume culture or the capitalist model. We sure know Barbie is totally from USA but the play station he speaks is a product of Sony a multinational corporation which its main office is located at Japan where Sony is from, but he is trying to attack that capitalism.

    Now this post here is not to see if the president Hugo Chavez is right or not, that’s totally the opposite of what I want; this is a blog dedicated to get closer of the culture issues.

    So lets see how the president of Venezuela is trying to attack the consume culture, in the video we listen him talking bad about the foreign products, that they are made to be broken easily so you have to buy a new one (remember am not saying whether it´s true or not), immediately after he mentioned that those things are totally against what their culture is (and what he mean by there is all the Venezuela´s culture), he propose to make toys of native people and with this trying to make an effort to exalt a national feeling for everything that could represent the country, its history, the people and their real identity.

    Now the use of exalt the people is a very common tool when we talk about made politic, we saw very clearly in the past with Hitler and his nationalist movement in Germany and in sometimes it could be very effective to make all the country follow the “head”.

    Am pretty sure that this is not the last time we are going to see this way to do politic, because getting support by doing all that, defend a national identity and moreover transform it to show as he wanted to; because in this moment the Venezuela people are not those Indians, but its part of them and just as it looks he has made a great use of it to gather more power and support.

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    Differences between Culture and Cultural Organization

    Well to make the first difference and that we could say the most important one is that when we talk about culture we will find all the issues of it in each person, religion, language, habits, moods, traditions, believes, and so on.

    But when we talk about a cultural organization, we enter into a topic of the general culture that companies manage in their structure, all the important aspects of how to behave into the organization, a company and in the entire business world, in order to represent all the ideals that should do.

    These ideals are affected all the time for many factors of the market, business believes, and even the national culture where they are located. And the bigger the organization becones and starts to work more internationally it will surely be affected for more aspects.

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    ¿Is there a group of many identities for just one person or maybe there’s just one big identity with many aspects of the life?

    This question involves major issues, but the central idea is to understand clearly what the identity of individuals is. We should first understand how it works, and by this I mean if there is a strong identity for a single person and I mean an identity that contains a name, personality, beliefs, culture and almost everything that represents or maybe we can talk that a person has multiple identities, an identity for each of their roles in society.

    We hear much talk "is his personality when he is doing that thing". Then you have different personalities for their activities, is not the same role as a clerk to the role of parenting.

    It is a question I would like to point for your own discuss, search for authors and written as the one Luis Fernando Bolaños Gordillo “¿Como se construyen las identidades en la persona? Where he shows many aspects of the identity how is it getting constructed by all the peoples and their environment.

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