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Todos cometemos errores, yo normalmente cometo los mayores... pero solo me doy cuenta de ellos cuando lo unico que puedo hacer es lamentarme de ni siquiera poder pedir perdon a quien se hiere.

En Israel militares asesinan a 10 activistas y los ciudadanos exigen al Ministro de Defensa que renuncie. En Colombia militares asesinan a 17.000 civiles, cientos de personas inocentes; y 6 millones de ciudadanos le piden que sea el próximo presidente

quedan ya menos de 24 horas para empezar la jornada electoral, la primer ronda donde se daran los dos nombres de los candidatos que iran a la segunda ronda y poder escoger el futuro presidente de la Republica de Colombia, mi pais.

Muchas son las espectativas, las encuestas ya fueron hechas y arrojan resultados que otros desmienten por la forma en que se hicieron; palabras como las de la candidata Noemi Sanin las atacaban directamente: "las encuestas y la morcilla son buenas hasta que se sabe como se hacen", palabras muy a su estilo.

En todo caso las encuestas han demostrado dos candidatos que apuntan a la primer victoria, Antanas Mockus y Juan Manuel Santos, el resto de candidatos obtienen bajos porcentajes de votos.

A partir de estos resultados se comprueban teorias, la primera es que se apoya al candidato que esta en la punta para que obtenga una victoria y la segunda es el apoyo para reforzar el candidato que esta resagado en participacion. A esto le podemos agregar las ideas del voto util, un voto que se da para que uno de estos personajes obtenga más del 50% y asi quede elegido solo en una ronda, evitando todos los costes de una segunda vuelta; como todo posee su contrario esta el voto a conciencia que pide votar no por el favorito que repunta y sino el favorito por ideas, por plan de gobierno o bien por que es este personaje quien representa sus ideales politicos para el pais.

El resumen y la idea es clara, los antiguos lucharon por una democracia y esa democracia era que todos pudieran participar, mientras que hoy en dia la democracia moderna es escoger a alguien para que gobierne, alguien que represente las ideas del pueblo, pero nuestra participacion sigue ahi... mañana 30 de Mayo del 2010 saldre a votar a conciencia por quien creo que es mejor para mi pais y es el derecho que muchos ciudadanos más deberian ejercer.

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Me pregunto si sera o no colombiana, con un toque de Venezuela o como dirian la picardia de JJ...

Creo que los videos hablan por si solos. Aún asi los invito a que comenten, obviamente no es un ataque al candidato, es una forma de ver sus métodos que es lo que me preocupa, ya que Rendón afirmó que si se trata de él.

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Sofasa... the connection of ideas.

It is said that Sofasa is the best company to work with. It has process of put together all the ideas of the epmployes and direct them to make it work.
It is basically a process based on great comunication system inside the company, the support of the ideas between the co-workers. They even say that there is no division like people thinkin and others working, everyone do both.

They also implement the philosophy of Kaizen to keep improving their state. This is very related with first idea.

A cultural organization where everybody is listened and all the ideas are taken into account, creates an excellent place to work, plus this is located in my city Medellin.

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Blogs visited

this is the list of the blogs i have visited and made some comments:

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I recommend to...

I was searching for the winners of the BOBs, the awards given by Deutsche Welle every year, and some of those awards were to blogs in other languages, and the best blog of all was Ushahidi, but personally I didn’t like the design, so I choose to make some advertisement here in my blog to “la vuelta al mundo” is a blog in Spanish that has a recollection of stories and advices for people who are traveling for different parts of the world.

I put the link here so you can read it, is easy to understand it, the design is not heavy so you can read it without forcing the eyes, and it’s very interesting to see all those interviews and see the experiences.

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The Berlin wall fell, but there are more walls dividing us like in Australia, where it was the “rabbit proof fence” and in Mexico there’s a block against the immigrants.

Let’s focus this time in Australia, after watched the movie we saw how they took away their children, searching to erase their roots, their culture, and even their name. Maybe they really had good intentions but didn’t realize the feelings and all the problems and reactions that could appear.

After many time the government only appears to say sorry, and I agree that is very important to recognize our mistakes, but want to rectify, amend, compensate and create better things to replace the bad ones is something crucial in those process, so the people would feel that there´s a commitment from the counterpart to create a better relation.

If we compare it with the situation of the “desmovilizados” in Colombia, people who quit from the Sub-state groups, and go to the society with only some words asking for pardon, its not enough for many people.

Should we use the concept of “it´s better prevent than cure”…

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“El único sindicato al que le creo, es al Sindicato Antioqueño”

I wanted to start with that old joke; and as you continue reading my blog you could think am a little pessimist with the situation of my country Colombia, but is not true, I do believe in a better future but is important to see and keep in mind the real facts.

The most of trade unions in Colombia are just groups of people trying to defend their personal interest but no defending every worker rights as it should be done. But also they have been suffering mistreats from more bodies, that directly attack to ones who really defend the workers.

Internationally speaking they were one the creations of the Industrial Revolution, a phenomenon occurred in Europe, Germany in its capitalist side supported the workers rights. So in Europe we could expect to see a better or higher participation in trade unions. Nevertheless the situations around the world are not the best for that, Spain is facing an increase on its unemployment rates, North Korea doesn’t allow them, and I already talk a little about Colombia.

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TRUST IN THE BANKS??? just kidding! or maybe not...

Yes!! it is very controversial for Colombians like us to say that we can trust on the financial system after suffering with some banks that charge huge interest rates for loans, and a minimal rates for the investors. Companies like DMG DRFE and more in all our country, the need of corporations like “Fogafín” and other to control the possible disappear of those entities so nobody´s pocket get hurt…

That makes me think that we still love the culture of “el vivo vive del bobo”, something that we can translate like… some people who think they are smart take advantage of ingenious people. It sure is not correct but that’s what happens in our society we need the existence of more bodies controlling the situation.

Now… have you ever think that the religion comes to the banks and tell them no to steal the money of their clients, changing their mind of having profits and becoming them more responsible with the rest.

Well that’s actually what happens in the Arab world, they are very strict with their Islamic believes being really forbidden to apply a usury rate, and I say really forbidden because in our country and our culture that’s something that’s only in the papers.

Am not saying we should adopt the Islamic religion so we can advance in the respect of the clients rights; personally I prefer not to speak about religion as the solution of problems but I do know that it leads some values that can apply in many aspects and this is one of them in the Arab world not for us, we need another source: The Law, the culture, and… “Only god knows”.

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