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Todos cometemos errores, yo normalmente cometo los mayores... pero solo me doy cuenta de ellos cuando lo unico que puedo hacer es lamentarme de ni siquiera poder pedir perdon a quien se hiere.

En Israel militares asesinan a 10 activistas y los ciudadanos exigen al Ministro de Defensa que renuncie. En Colombia militares asesinan a 17.000 civiles, cientos de personas inocentes; y 6 millones de ciudadanos le piden que sea el próximo presidente

Sofasa... the connection of ideas.

It is said that Sofasa is the best company to work with. It has process of put together all the ideas of the epmployes and direct them to make it work.
It is basically a process based on great comunication system inside the company, the support of the ideas between the co-workers. They even say that there is no division like people thinkin and others working, everyone do both.

They also implement the philosophy of Kaizen to keep improving their state. This is very related with first idea.

A cultural organization where everybody is listened and all the ideas are taken into account, creates an excellent place to work, plus this is located in my city Medellin.

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